2025 ACF National Conference

The 2025 Association of Consulting Foresters (ACF) National Conference will be held June 21st - 24th at the Eden Resort in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania’s Dutch Country, home not only to farmlands and the oldest Amish communities in the country also boasts a thriving downtown, memorable family attractions and plenty of outdoor recreation opportunities.

The Pennsylvania chapter has developed an excellent lineup of speakers for the Technical Session and sites for an exciting Field Tour. Come early for informative pre-conference education sessions and stick around for fun and fellowship at the closing party and post-conference Amish tour. Read more about the venue and all conference activities on the following pages. Invite your colleagues and bring your family too, all are welcome!


Downloadable PDF Registration Form with Schedule & Session Descriptions
The Practice of Consulting Forestry Course
Scholarship Opportunities
Hotel Accommodations



Register Online Now!

Downloadable PDF Registration Form with Schedule & Session Descriptions

Early Bird
(on or before May 2nd)
(May 3rd-June 6th)
Conference Attendee $545 $595 
Goat Yoga at the Amish Farm $25 
Field Tour $100  $115
Closing Party $75  $90
Post-Conf. Amish Country Experience $150 
Guest/Spouse of Conference Attendee $445/guest $495/guest 
Child Registration (Ages 12 & Under) $175/child $200/child 
Goat Yoga at the Amish Farm $25 
Field Tour $100  $115
Closing Party $75  $90
Post Conf. Amish Country Experience $150 
Practice of Consulting Forestry Course $475 $525 
NRCS TSP Training for ACF Members  $125 (includes breakfast & lunch)
Tax Considerations for Consulting Foresters  $65 (includes breakfast)
Appraisal Workshop $55 
Innovations in the Woods  $45 (includes cont. breakfast)
Foundational Leadership Comm. Skills  $85 (includes breakfast)
Business Transitions  $35 
Register Online Now!


Registration Includes:
Registration Includes:
  • Sunday Afternoon Education Sessions

  • Networking Breaks

  • ACF Business Meeting

  • President’s Welcome Reception

  • Monday Breakfast

  • Technical Session

  • Exhibitors’ Reception & Awards Banquet

  • Exhibits & Silent Auction

  • Registration Gift

  • President’s Welcome Reception

  • Monday Breakfast

  • Guest Program with Lunch

  • Exhibitors’ Reception & Awards Banquet

  • Exhibits & Silent Auction

  • Registration Gift



Scholarship Opportunities

The Practicing Foresters Institute Board of Trustees is delighted to offer scholarships to emerging professionals and students to support participation in the 2025 ACF National Conference.

All are eligible to apply, regardless of membership status in ACF, for the emerging professional scholarship. There are no defined age or experience level requirements although preference will be given to those in the early stages of their career or new to the consulting forestry or related profession. Applications will be evaluated based on demonstration of interest in pursuing or continuing a career in professional consulting forestry or a related field and financial need. Emerging Professionals scholarships will cover conference attendee registration as well as the field tour registration fee. Emerging Professionals Scholarship recipients are responsible for accommodations and travel expenses related to conference attendance.

Click here to apply for a PFI Emerging Professionals Scholarship


All current undergraduate or graduate students in forestry or related programs are eligible to apply for the student scholarship. Attending the ACF National Conference provides selected students with the opportunity to learn more about the consulting forestry profession, to meet forestry students from other forestry schools and to interact with practicing consulting foresters and potential employers. Student scholarships cover conference attendee registration plus Sunday and Monday night accommodations at the conference hotel with double occupancy.

Click here to apply for a PFI Student Scholarship



Hotel Accommodations

Eden Resort & Suites
222 Eden Road
Lancaster, PA 17601

To book your hotel reservation at the ACF group rate, please follow the instructions below. The deadline to reserve your hotel stay is Monday, May 19th.

  1. Visit www.EdenResort.com and select the tab located at the top of the page that says “Book Now
  2. Choose your arrival and departure dates.
  3. Next, click on the link that says, “Group Codes and Promotions”, select the drop down that says, “Promo Code” and select “Group Code” then enter your group block code: 2506ASSOC

Complimentary parking and no resort fee is included.

ACF Group Hotel Rates
Thursday $191.95
Friday $241.95
Saturday $241.95
Sunday $191.95
Monday $191.95
Tuesday $191.95
Wednesday $191.95



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